Why Autumns Run - Jan 29, 2018

  Autumns Run community for retired and senior folks on the North Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada .

Why Autumns Run ?   Because many of us are in the Autumn of our lives . Autumn is usually a nice season  with nice scenery and weather most days .

   I tried posting information on various Facebook sites but quickly determined that posts quickly got over run by subsequent posts arriving from the many other facebook sites that I watch .   Thus I will post updates and information on this site where they will sit until you look at them .   

  I've been wanting to get this Community established for several years  but there was always something in the way .   None of us are getting any younger so we better get on with the plan .  Already some that also wanted a safe community to live in have passed away or moved to Truro because there wasn't a local safe comfortable place to reside in .     I'm approaching that place .
    Our home is too big and has too much land and isn't close to Tatamagouche .  It was built in 1972 by standards of that time .  Many upgrades have been done over the years but more really should be done soon .      No upgrade is going to get us closer to Tata , health care and stores . 

     I've located a 10 acre parcel of rural land along Highway 6 east of Tata and about 5 km from the village .    That location gets priority snow removal  and has quick access to the hospital etc .   The price is affordable and I have been offered about half the purchase price from someone wanting to move in soon.   Still have to raise the remainder . 
    I have another $ 5,000.00 raised but a rogue treasurer refuses to write the cheque  needed to access it .    This is the same person who has refused to provide an auditable report for the last 3 years of the Creamery Dinner accounts  .    We read in the media about these situations and they never end well .

   More later .   Don Wilson
