A First in Nova Scotia ?

   004    Having just watched a momentous rocket launch from SPACEX  of it's Falcon 9 Heavy  ( a first ) and the safe landing of the first 2 stages back at the Florida launch pads  I realize this is a day to remember .        My thoughts return to the seniors community we contemplate for our area .   Buildings that need little to no energy are almost a first  and are a first for a senior's home community in N.S.   and will join a very few within Canada .

       We need to get our " society "  registered  and then apply to Ottawa for a non-profit tax registration .     This will allow for a continuing entity that will own the land and any assets that the residents don't own or lease .    Things like roads , underground services , solar electric panel array ,  common areas ( lawns , walkways )  and a pond to store rainfall and snow melt  so that water is available on site in case needed for a fire .
     The initial society members will grow older and retire or pass away and others will take over following a planned order of operation .    More on all this later . 
